Ruby’s View Fashion Blog is adding a useful service into the mix called Ruby’s View Personal Shopping aimed to help you stay fashionable without the hassle of traveling overseas. Can’t get out of a tight schedule? Too busy to keep up with trends? Loathe crowded shopping centres? Never seem to find your style? Leave the shopping to us!

Guided by a list of your needs and wants, Ruby’s View personal shopping service will give you the right trends for your body type accentuating your best features and hiding your flaws. Through modern technology, we’ll keep you informed on fashion finds personalised to your style of dressing. Shopping would be done for you from high street and high end stores depending on your budget.

Our goal is to find you up-to-date chic pieces tailored to your individuality and lifestyle. It’s a simple, stress-free and efficient way for busy-bee fashionistas who want to shop. Feel free to get in touch by using the contact form if you have any questions about this service.

xxox The Girl in Red Lipstick 

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